Adoptions For His Glory
Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.
- Matthew 18:5

Children are a tremendous blessing and an awesome responsibility. The time before a child arrives (whether by natural child birth, CPS representative, judge, or stork) is uniquely exciting. We would be honored to share this time with you and assist in the legal process necessary to bring your child home.
Our Services
Private Adoption
Through a private match or domestic adoption agency
Foster Parent Adoption
Through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Step-parent/Kinship Adoption
Includes termination of parental rights and adoption
After international adoption;
Includes Texas Birth Certificate
ICPC Adoption
Adoption across state lines
Birth Parent Representation
Review of documents required for adoptive placement

We used Lauren last year for an adoption. She was great at getting the ball rolling and speeding things up for us! We will use her again if given the chance.
The reason Lauren is so great is that she is a foster and adoptive parent herself. She truly "gets it!" She is a great resource for any adoptive family!


Fabulous experience last year adopting two of our children! It was a long road and the support we had from Lauren was amazing!